Saturday, February 22, 2025


Since my Bible Study Roadmap post ended up being so long (if you haven't read it yet, you can find it here - Bible Study Roadmap), I decided I'd make a condensed "cheat sheet" version as a companion guide. If you're on a computer, you can view it larger by clicking on the image below and then right-clicking and choosing "open image in new tab". Then you should be able to zoom in so you can actually read it. You can also find the full size version on my Flickr account here - Cheat Sheet

Please feel free to copy and paste the image to share, or save it for reviewing later. That's what it's here for! 



s Bible-believers, we know we’re supposed to be reading and studying from the Bible. But for many it can be a real struggle, not knowing how to study, or how to find things in the Bible to study. For the longest time, I struggled with this - the studies I did would be sporadic and infrequent. I would mostly stick to just reading through the Bible. Which, obviously, is still super important. But I wanted to really dig in more often, regularly, just wasn’t sure how. 

Now though, I’ve figured out something of a system that seems to work pretty well, so I wanted to share it in case it can help someone else. It’s more specific to verse by verse studying, but can be applied to other studies as well. And it can definitely be tweaked to fit your individual habits. Just remember to pray for direction and understanding as you go along. The Holy Spirit will provide it.

But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.  
Job 32:8

1.      Find a starting point

If you’re not sure what to study, try picking out a (short) book of the Bible to work through verse by verse. This will provide continuity, as it takes time to work through a whole book. If you want to focus more on doctrine, try one of the Pauline epistles, or if you want to focus more on history and prophecy, try one of the minor prophets.

Another idea is to start keeping a list of verses, passages, or topics that strike your interest while you’re doing your normal Bible reading and use those as starting places to study. You could also take note of questions that stand out when you’re listening to a sermon, or from a discussion. Basically, anything you’d like to study more.

2.      Ask questions

Once you’ve picked something to study, start asking questions about the verse(s) to guide your study. Think of the “who, what, where, why, when, and how” as a guideline for ideas. The number of questions applicable will depend on the verse, go by what stands out the most or strikes your interest. You can keep it as simple or detailed as needed.

Here are some of the questions you could ask:

a.       Who is being addressed? Gentiles? Jews? Judah or Israel? Individuals? Nations?

b.      What is the subject/topic? What do you think it means, at face value?

c.       Where is this taking place? Are any particular locations mentioned? Where do those locations show up elsewhere in the Bible? What is their significance?

d.      Why is it important? Is there somewhere else in Biblical history that gives more light on why it is important?

e.      When did/will the event take place? What dispensation is it in? Is it speaking of the past, present (at time of writing), or future (prophecy)?

f.        How does the topic relate to other events in the Bible?

As an example of this in motion, take Psalm 78:67-68:

Moreover he refused the tabernacle of Joseph, and chose not the tribe of Ephraim: But chose the tribe of Judah, the mount Zion which he loved.

Some questions I could ask are:

1.      Why did he (God) refuse the tabernacle of Joseph, and Ephraim?

2.      Why did he choose the tribe of Judah?

3.      What was special about mount Zion?

4.      Where is mount Zion located?

5.      Where else does mount Zion show up in the Bible?

Obviously, this could very quickly become a deep, involved study. And you don’t want to overwhelm yourself to the point you think it’s too much and give up. So, pick a couple to focus on, and see where that leads you. You can always expand the study or even take it in an entirely different direction later if necessary.

3.      Take notes

Write down the questions you want to study. It’s also helpful to briefly summarize your initial thoughts on the verse(s), what you think it means, to compare with what you find later. Examine the context of the verse, read the surrounding verses. Take notes on what you find.

Sidenote: If you’re not much of a note-taker, this part of studying can be tough. If you have to, you can try keeping notes mentally, but keeping written or typed notes will greatly improve your studies. It helps keep the mind on track, making your study easier to navigate. It also gives you a record of what you’ve studied, which can be quite motivating, seeing it add up. And it makes it easier to share your studies, especially if you have a study partner.

If writing is easier for you, get a dedicated notebook for Bible study. If typing is easier, create a document on your computer and keep notes there. Even if the notes are really short and simple, it will still help. Keep it as simple as you need to.

4.      Search relevant keywords

Use a concordance or online Bible search tool to search relevant keywords (locations, names, phrases, etc) to see where else in the Bible stuff shows up. If the search brings up a ton of verses, try narrowing the search with a different keyword, or, if you’re using an online search, adding parenthesis on either side of a phrase to show exact results. Go through the verses and their contexts (at least the ones that seem relevant) and compare/study to see what you can learn. And then take notes on what you find, or new questions that pop up.

5.      Look at cross-references

If your Bible has cross-references (CF’s), look at each of them and see if anything stands out to you as being particularly relevant. Usually the CF’s just beside the verse you are studying will be sufficient. A lot of CF’s will simply show parallel words, or sometimes it can be hard to even see how a CF is related. But some CF’s can really shed new light on the subject and make you think.

Disclaimer: keep in mind that CF’s are not inspired by God. Use them as a tool, like you would a dictionary or concordance – knowing that men wrote them and can be wrong in the connections they make. Some people prefer not to use CF’s for this reason, but I personally have found them to be very helpful, as long as they are used with caution. You can even write down your own CF’s as you find new ones.

6.      Find definitions

This step is optional, but when you come across a word you don’t understand, study how the Bible uses and defines them. This is where the keyword Bible search is helpful. You can also use a dictionary (Noah Webster’s 1828), but again, keep in mind dictionaries aren’t inspired by God, and the Bible may use a word differently.

7.      Look up places on a Bible atlas

This step is also optional, but it can be quite interesting, when studying verses that mention a location. Even if the maps aren't fully accurate (hint: they aren't), it can help give you a better picture of what is going on, and where. It can be a bit like a treasure hunt.  Bonus: if you’re using an online atlas, you can add a screenshot of the map to your note document for future reference.

8.      Note side-studies

Oftentimes when you’re following one trail of verses, you’ll see another trail and get sidetracked. What you can do here is either section off a part in your notes to study that separately, or make a note to go back and study it another time. You want to keep focused on the original study, but the main thing is, you’re studying the Bible. So “rabbit trails” are fine! But if you start getting bogged down with it, just make note of it and get back to the main study.

9.      Summarize your findings

Once you’ve finished looking at other verses, go back to the starter verse(s) and, if you haven’t already done so, summarize what you’ve found. This can be simply your thoughts on what the answers to your questions might be, based on what you found. Many times you won’t end up with clear answers, and that’s fine. Just write what you think it means. You’re studying to learn, and that builds up overtime, so don’t stress about not finding answers, or worrying if you’re wrong. Pray, study diligently, and God will bless that. It’s His job to interpret the Scriptures, to open your understanding. Job 32:8. It doesn’t mean He’ll show you everything right away – He won’t. But stick with it, keep ploughing through, praying all the time, and He will give you that understanding as time goes by.

10.  Move on!

Go to the next verse or passage and repeat the process…now or another day!

Bonus tips:

1.      Schedule your study time: Routine helps prepare the mind to accept it and cooperate. The mind is lazy, if it knows “okay, it’s study time now, shut up and quit being lazy”,  you’d be surprised how much better it will cooperate! If you’re not in the habit, even just aiming for a day or two per week can make a big difference. For example, say you work five days a week, plan to do at least one study session on one of your days off. Start somewhere!

2.      Consider counter arguments: If you want to take a study deeper, consider some of the arguments against your position. Study “opposing” verses in light of what you’ve learned and see if your conclusion still holds up. Be open to changing your mind if you find you’re wrong. The more understanding you have of something from either point of view, the better equipped you’ll be to explain it to someone in the future.

3.      Find a study partner: Study independently, then get together and discuss what both of you studied (this is where taking notes really helps). You don’t have to study the same thing. It’s about having something to share, and someone to share it with, and then studying those things together. Testing weak points, getting another perspective. And getting some great fellowship as a secondary bonus.


This ended up being a lot more extensive than intended, but if you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading. I really hope it helps!  If you have any questions or would like to add your own suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments below.

These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
- Acts 17:11


Helpful Study Resources:

"Cheat sheet" version: Bible Study Roadmap Cheat Sheet

For a condensed, more shareable version of this post. :)

Keyword searches:

Official King James Bible Online -

This one has the best search options. Hit “modify search” to see them. “Fuzzy search” is good for if you’re not sure how to spell something.

Timeless Truths Online KJV-

Bible Dictionary:

Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary -

Bible Atlas:

This is an incredibly extensive collection of Bible maps. It is hard to navigate, since the search function doesn’t work. But they  are arranged chronologically (in Biblical order), and you can scroll through the preview pages on the left sidebar to find them quicker.

Old Testament Timeline:

It may not be 100% accurate, but it seems solid enough to give you a pretty good idea. I haven't found any contradictions with it yet in the Scriptures. And it has really helped in my own studies, for understanding the chain of events, kings, and kingdoms. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


Part 2 - One God, Three Persons

In no uncertain terms, all throughout the Scriptures it is made clear that there is only one true God, and that all others are false, lowercase gods. The very first of ten commandments given to the Israelites was “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). Every time the Israelites went “a whoring” after other gods, pestilences and destruction followed. God is a jealous God, and will not tolerate His people chasing after other, false gods.

Exodus 34:14 - For thou shalt worship no other god: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:

Isaiah 44:6,8 - Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God… Is there a God beside me? yea, there is no God; I know not any.

Without proper Scriptural division and understanding, this may seem contradictory once the Lord Jesus appears on earth in the New Testament, (rightly) claiming to be God. The Lord Jesus Christ was and is God, according to the Bible. While on earth, He was equally God and man. The problem is, if the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father are separate Gods, then you have more than one God. Something forbidden by God Himself.

Having already established a Scriptural foundation for the Godhood of Christ in my previous post, this post will focus the evidence surrounding a single, Triune God, and what the individual roles are.

One Saviour

Just as there is only one God, the Scriptures declare that there is only one Saviour. But there are clear instances where both the Father and the Son are called the Saviour. As born-again believers, we recognize the Lord Jesus as our Saviour. God the Father is also the Saviour and Redeemer of Israel.

Hosea 13:4Yet I am the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me.

Isaiah 45:21 - …who hath declared this from ancient time? Who hath told it from that time? Have not I the Lord? And there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.

Titus 1:3-4 - …Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour.

1 John 4:14And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

Here again, if taken at face value, it would seem there are multiple Saviours. This is why some people are led astray in confusion and think Christ was either a lesser “god”, or not God at all. But the Bible clearly shows that He IS God.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

A Biblical Defense of the Trinity

Part 1 - The Deity of Christ


f you search for the word “trinity” in the Bible, you will not find it. However, throughout the Scriptures there is a multitude of evidence which plainly reveals a triune God. One God, in three persons. Namely, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each have a distinct role, but together they form a single unit, or Godhead. It is a mystery, but one which the Bible yields much light on. 

Essential to understanding the Trinity is recognizing the deity of Christ. Specifically, that during His time on earth, the Lord Jesus was equally God and man, having a dual nature. Likewise, that He was with the Father, as God, from before the foundations of the earth, and still is.  

In denying the Trinity, one must either deny the deity of Christ, or make Him a second “god”, subordinate to God the Father. To do either is heresy, and threatens not only the Trinity, but our very salvation. For, if the Lord Jesus walked on earth as merely a human being, His death on the cross would offer no more hope for sinners than my death, or yours. Why? Because the blood, human blood, is tainted, all the way from Adam (1 Cor. 15:22). 

Similarly, if Christ were only God, and not human, the sacrifice would be worthless, because He would not be like us, to offer Himself as our substitute. But since He was both God and man, the Lord Jesus Christ could and did fulfill both requirements. 

Considering how critical a doctrine it is, this post will focus primarily on the evidence surrounding the divine nature of Christ, and His relationship to the Father. The role of the Holy Spirit, and further evidence of the Trinity will be addressed in the next post

Friday, January 3, 2020

Why I Use the King James Bible

Part 3 

Having established some background as to how I got into the Bible version issue, and the importance of having a "Final Authority", in this final post I will explain why I believe the King James Bible alone meets this requirement. (If you missed the first two posts, you can see them here - Part 1 and here - Part 2). As this post could quickly get very long, I will only give an overview of the main points, rather than attempting to go into details over each one.

"Bible Mountain"
by Peter S. Ruckman 
If only one Bible, which?

This question can be answered by addressing another question - “Which Bible would/does the Lord God Himself endorse?” If God inspired the Book in the first place, and then preserved it throughout all history (HIS-story), then surely there must be some evidence of which version He has blessed. With this in mind, let us examine some of the clues given.

Authorization -
Ecclesiastes 8:4  states that “Where the word of a king is, there is power: and who may say unto him, What doest thou?”  The King James Bible is the only Bible today that was authorized by a king. Hence, it is commonly referred to as the AV 1611 (Authorized Version 1611). Personally, I view this as God's official stamp of approval.

Authorship - 
The KJV has never been copyrighted. All subsequent “Bible” versions have. Unlike the KJV, you have to pay or get permission to quote or copy more than a set amount from new versions. Much financial profit is being made of them because of this (1 Timothy 6:10). These copyrights also imply human, not Divine author/ownership. If God truly is the Author, is it not a slander and injustice against Him to claim authorship and then collect the profits?

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Of Youth and Eternity

Do you ever wonder where infants or children go if they pass early from this life? Without assurance of the answer, it may be a painful question, especially to a parent who has suffered the loss of a child. Though knowing the answer may not quench the grief, being able to know with certainty that the child is safe in Heaven would surely be a great comfort.
Stock image

Beyond a source of consolation, the answer is critically important  to parent and non-parent alike because it reflects what kind of God we serve, and our perspective of Him. If the answer is that God would put babies in hell…could you really desire to serve a God like that? Could you reconcile it with the fact He is a loving Father to those who place their faith in Him?  But if the answer is that babies go to much differently we might think of Him! How much comfort and trust we might gain in knowing the mercy and goodness of God.

Babies….don’t go to heaven?? 

Some of the arguments I have heard which challenge the idea that all babies go to heaven use verses such as these to defend the unthinkable -

Yet man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward. - Job 5:7
For vain man would be wise, though man be born like a wild ass's colt. - Job 11:12 
Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. - Psalm 51:5 

In other words, the argument is that since we were born in sin, like unto Adam, if we die at any age, even in the womb, the child/baby is inherently sinful and in just as much danger of hellfire until they come to salvation. For many, the solution to this horrible thought is the practice of infant baptism. Except there are two problems with this -

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why I Use the King James Bible

Part 2 

In my previous post, I shared some background as to how I became interested in the "which Bible?" debate, and the conclusion I ultimately reached. Namely, that the King James Bible is the pure, perfect, and preserved Word of God. In this post, I will examine one of the biggest questions I had when studying the issue, and the reasoning which led to my conclusion.

Does there really need to be only one true Bible? 

To answer this question, it is necessary to first consider the purpose of the Bible. As our Creator, God needed a way to communicate with man, and throughout the ages He has mainly done so through the written Word. In the Bible, God reveals to us who He is, what He loves and hates, what He is like. It reveals the history of mankind, what God has already done, and what He will do in the future. Furthermore, as 2 Timothy 3:16-17 shows, the Bible is essential for salvation, sound doctrine, and instruction on how we are to live and believe as Christians.

The problem with having multiple Bible versions is that they can’t all say the same thing. They will inevitably contradict each other, as shown in my previous post. What do you do when this happens? If one version says God was the Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, and another implies that Joseph was his father, how can you know for sure? What do you do if one version teaches the Trinity of the Godhead, and another one doesn’t? Or if one version teaches that salvation is a process, and another says it is complete with belief in the Lord Jesus?